Sunday, July 19, 2009

Revisit after 2 years

I finally read the blog 'basketbawful' that Van has been trying to get me to read. As he knew correctly, I do enjoy reading that blog and plan to follow it from now on. If you don't know what I'm talking about go to A blog filled with humor, drama, and suspense. The visit to basketbawful has brought me back to this blog that I had initially set up 2 years ago to write about my new food findings in CA. Well, that attempt failed miserably. In the past 2 years, I can say that I've eaten at numerous places and have developed a love for food. But what has finally inspired me to actually write in this blog is 'basketbawful'. I was amazed by his ability to remember such fine details from his college days but after reading through his FAQs, a large reason to his exquisite detail in his blogs from memories possibly more than 10 years ago could be due to the fact that he kept a journal. Tada! My inspiration to start 'blogging'. The goal is to do this daily. Some posts will be public and some will be private (is there a way to make blogs private?!) but the point is to have a better grasp of my past.

Today was my weekend off..both Saturday and Sunday! My second complete weekend off this whole summer. But no worries. In a week, I'll be off for a whole week and will finally catch up on my R&R. I was hoping for excitement, craziness! Exciting, drunken, craziness! I ended up going to a bbq where I mixed up two girls and told the wrong girl I liked tattoo while the girl with the actual tattoo was sitting two seats away from me and eating dinner in Korea Town. Thanks babe for making my uncomfortable situations so much more comfortable.

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